This course is accredited by The Bereavement Journey creators see accreditation
The Bereavement Journey® is a 7 Session programme which assists bereaved people to process their loss. Guests do their own grief work. Each session comprises two films followed by discussion in a small group, facilitated by volunteers, with a break for refreshment.
The information you provide on this form is for your local course organiser for the sole purpose of the delivery and management of The Bereavement Journey course you are about to attend and will be destroyed at the end of the course unless you defer to a later course. For further information please see the organiser’s GDPR policy.
If you prefer to complete a paper form you can download one HERE
ORGANISERS: Course dates: TIME:
All Saints’ Faringdon Tuesday, 14 Jan - 25 Feb 2025 2 - 4.30pm
Venue: Cost:
Barber Rooms, SN7 8AD £20 You can pay online HERE
once completed, this form WILL BE SENT BY EMAIL TO:
Helen Jackson Your details will not be kept on the website.