All Saints’ Faringdon warmly welcomes you!
Connecting people with Jesus; sharing his love in our everyday lives.

You can search our site using the following search box.

We usually have two services each Sunday:

9am Traditional said Holy Communion, from the Book of Common Prayer. See more details HERE.

10.30am Morning Worship, a more informal service. Each Sunday during term-time (except 1st), there is Junior Saints for primary school aged children. See more details HERE.

See us on Facebook Some recordings of sermons are HERE.

Morning Prayer is held each Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning at 8.30am in the Pye Chapel at All Saints’ and on Tuesdays at 8.30am at St Mary’s.

There is a Church Community Café once a month on Monday afternoons 2-4pm. Next café : 17 March.

If you want to visit the church at other times or need directions, please see our Church Open page and our Maps page.

All babies and toddlers (and their carers) welcome!

Dates: 13 Jan - 10 Feb, 24 Feb - 31 Mar 25

Faringdon Food Bank

Other videos and sermons are available on our Talks page.

Some videos and sermons are available on our Talks page.

The Bereavement Journey (TBJ) course is for anyone who has been bereaved. You can find out more about TBJ HERE and if you are interested in joining a course please email.

If you would like to know about our next Alpha course please email the office.

Click here to give securely online.  If you want to give to a particular project, enter the amount and then just below the amount click ‘details and/or your reference number’ and include how you would like your donation to be used in the Donation de…

Click here to give securely online. If you want to give to a particular project, enter the amount and then just below the amount click ‘details and/or your reference number’ and include how you would like your donation to be used in the Donation details. Then complete the rest of the process.

If you intend to make regular donations we suggest the Parish Giving Scheme.

Sign up at to receive the newsletter by email or contact the office.


All Saints’ is a Safeguarding Church
We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all those in our church family, particularly under 18s and vulnerable adults.  We recognise that Safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church. Our safeguarding policy is here.

If a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention, call the emergency services on 999.

If there are concerns about their immediate welfare, call MASH on 0345 050 7666 or 0800 833408 (out of hours).

Otherwise, raise any concerns with our safeguarding officer, Isobel Weller. Or you can contact the diocese directly: Erica Hegg, Diocesan Safeguarding Casework Officer for Oxford:, 07341 866832 or General safeguarding enquiries:, 01865 208 295

For safeguarding at St Mary’s Little Coxwell, go to the St Mary’s page.